• A project to analyse the energy-efficient reconstruction of the residential sector in Bucha. As a result, the city received an analytical report estimating the costs of green renovation in a better and more sustainable way. In addition, Ecodia will update Bucha’s Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan and develop a feasibility study for the installation of a solar power plant on the roof of the local council.
  • The project ‘Restoration of street lighting in Ivanivka village, Novoukrayinsky district, Kirovograd region, using autonomous power sources based on modern photovoltaic batteries’ is planned to design, test and install at least 53 autonomous solar lights. The project is relevant because the village has no street lighting cable network, and therefore there is an urgent need to reconstruct the existing power lines, as well as a fundamentally new approach to creating new autonomous lighting facilities using solar panel.
  • The Dubove community in Zakarpattia is a project that involves the implementation of a local renewable energy network. The community owns 26 public sector facilities.All buildings require energy efficiency measures. The community has long been working to ensure that local communal facilities have renewable energy sources. One of these sources will be a 10 kW hybrid solar power plant (hereinafter referred to as SPP) installed on the roof of the village. 

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