• May 2024: The Ministry of Energy of Ukraine approved the Roadmap for the development of smart grids. It envisages the introduction of automation and digital solutions at all levels of the power system. This is necessary to make it more balanced and secure, and more resilient to military risks. According to the Roadmap, the restoration of facilities damaged by Russian attacks is planned to be carried out using smart technologies. In particular, microgrid technologies are more resilient to military factors and natural disasters. The introduction of smart grid technology will reduce electricity losses in the power grids in Ukraine by 6 billion kWh annually. It will also reduce the annual SAIDI index (a measure of the duration of power outages) to around 100 minutes, which is in line with the EU average.
  • February 2024: development of the National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP). The development of the NECP has become necessary in the context of adaptation to European Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 of 11 December 2018, which sets out clear requirements for the content and procedures for the approval, adoption and validation of the plan. The plan is defined as a key roadmap for decarbonising the country, achieving carbon neutrality and meeting energy and climate goals.
  • February 2024: The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted Resolution No. 227 dated 27 February 2024 ‘On the Introduction of Guarantees of Origin of Electricity Generated from Renewable Energy Sources’. The Resolution provides for: approval of the Procedure for issuing, circulating and redeeming guarantees of origin of electricity produced from renewable sources, as well as approval of the Procedure for determining the environmental value of this electricity. A register of guarantees of origin will be created and administered by the NEURC. The guarantees will be generated electronically in MWh in accordance with the volumes of electricity supplied from renewable energy sources provided by the commercial metering administrator.
  • January 2024: The Draft Hydrogen Strategy until 2050 is presented. The document contains up-to-date data on the development of hydrogen energy in the world, hydrogen classifications, and an analysis of international legislation. The draft Strategy also contains planned pilot ideas for the production of renewable hydrogen.
  • December 2023: At the UN Climate Change Conference COP28, the G7+ countries and Ukraine launched the Clean Energy Partnership for the sustainable recovery and reconstruction of our country’s energy system.
  • July 2023: adoption of Law of Ukraine No. 3220-IX ‘On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on the Restoration and Green Transformation of the Energy System of Ukraine’.One of the most important innovations is the introduction of a market premium mechanism for electricity generators from renewable energy sources (RES).This alternative incentive system gives renewable energy producers the opportunity to choose to use renewable energy, abandoning the feed-in tariff mechanism.Under this system, a guaranteed buyer pays the difference between the feed-in tariff and the estimated market price. This innovative solution introduces the concept of flexibility for renewable energy producers, giving them the opportunity to choose the optimal support system.This approach will contribute to a more efficient and flexible integration of renewable energy into Ukraine’s energy system, stimulating green development and providing a stable environment for investors in the renewable energy sector
  • May 2023: The Cabinet of Ministers approves the Energy Strategy of Ukraine until 2050, which reflects the goals of the European Green Deal and the achievement of carbon neutrality in the energy sector by 2050. The document envisages the development of modern and safe nuclear and ‘green’ generation, as well as the modernisation and automation of transmission and distribution systems 

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