Throughout 2023, Razom We Stand embarked on a relentless journey, advocating for change and driving impactful actions to end fossil fuel addiction that feeds Putin’s war machine in the global energy landscape. From spearheading campaigns for fossil fuel embargoes to promoting a swift transition to clean energy, Razom We Stand exhibited unwavering dedication in confronting the challenges posed by Russia’s aggression in Ukraine. This summary encapsulates the organisation’s tireless efforts, collaborations, legislative milestones, and steadfast commitment to a sustainable future.

JANUARY: Advocacy and Collaboration

Razom We Stand, along with partners CREA, Dixi Group, and Global Witness, hosted an online press briefing to assess the impact of the EU oil embargo and price cap on Russia, noting a significant decline in Russia’s earnings from fossil fuel exports due to the ban. Together with CREA, we proposed downward revisions in price caps and tighter embargo enforcement to significantly reduce Russia’s oil export revenue, disrupting funding for the war.

FEBRUARY: Manifesto and Protests

Razom We Stand launched a “Manifesto for a New Ukraine and a New World,” advocating for a complete embargo on Russian fossil fuels and an accelerated transition to clean energy. The organisation also initiated the RE-Energy Communications Network, uniting communicators and experts for collaborative campaigns to eliminate fossil fuel reliance.

Protests outside Wintershall Dea’s office and demanding German government accountability showcased the organisation’s commitment to fossil fuel transition and corporate responsibility. Wintershall DEA later announced their complete exit from Russia.

The one-year anniversary of Putin’s fossil-fueled invasion of Ukraine led us to demand stricter measures against Russia’s fossil fuel exports, urging global leaders to turn words into actions, and tightening existing embargoes and sanctions to cut off financial support to Putin’s war machine.

MARCH: Policy Advocacy and Engagements

The organisation intensified advocacy efforts, urging Austria to strictly embargo Russian fossil fuels and pushing for environmental accounting standards in Ukraine.

Svitlana Romanko, representing Razom We Stand, penned open letters to EU leaders, emphasising the transition to clean energy and support for Ukraine’s energy resilience.

Razom We Stand actively participated in the CERAWeek energy conference in Texas, aiming to advocate for a clean energy future and challenge the influence of fossil fuels. Despite being declined registration, Svitlana Romanko’s presence garnered significant attention through media coverage and the delivery of a letter to Biden administration officials, urging a shift toward renewable energy and an end to climate-disrupting gas projects.

APRIL: Legislative Engagement and Climate Advocacy

At a conference in Rome on Ukraine’s reconstruction following Russian damage to its power system, Svitlana Romanko discussed clean energy solutions with Ukrainian officials and sent letters to Prime Minister Shmyhal and other ministers.

Letters and appeals were sent to Deputy Prime Minister Kubrakov, handed to Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal and the European Commission, emphasising renewable energy and stricter measures against Russian fossil fuel exports. The organisation also actively participated in Earth Day, advocating for strategic investments in clean energy.

It was announced that Razom We Stand’s proposals for utilizing renewable energy and transitioning the metallurgical industry to cleaner technologies in Ukraine will be part of the five-year UNIDO Program for the country’s post-war industrial recovery and green development.

MAY: Legislative Milestones and International Appeals

May saw the approval of Draft Law 9011-D and signalled Ukraine’s stride toward renewable energy goals. This legislation aimed to foster investment in decentralized renewable energy sources, introducing market mechanisms like net billing and feed-in premiums to elevate renewable energy’s share to 27% by 2030. In our response, we highlighted the law’s potential to propel decarbonization, enhance economic recovery, and fortify energy security in Ukraine and the wider European region.

Razom We Stand sent letters to the G7 nations, urging leadership to transition away from fossil fuels. Disappointment ensued after the G7 Summit’s lack of robust commitments, especially regarding a complete embargo on Russian fossil fuel exports.

JUNE: Renewable Energy Potential and Global Engagement

The organisation unveiled Ukraine’s renewable energy potential in an event organised with the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry. At the Ukraine Recovery Conference in London, Razom We Stand emphasised international support for Ukraine’s reconstruction and green energy development. Despite Russia’s war crimes like blowing up the Kakhovka dam, Razom We Stand urged immediate action from global leaders to enforce sanctions and implement a complete embargo on Russian fossil fuels.


JULY: Speaking Truth to Power

Razom We Stand began July by spotlighting Western companies’ complicity in perpetuating Russia’s aggression through continued support for its fossil fuel industry. Svitlana Romanko, Founder and Director of Razom We Stand, emphasised these companies’ role in funding Russia’s atrocities in Ukraine. This powerful call to action was featured in the Brussels Times, amplifying the urgency for change. Additionally, an open letter signed by 18 Ukrainian NGOs urged Ursula Von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission, to include an embargo on Russian LNG in the EU’s 12th Sanctions Package. The letter was quoted in Euractiv, further highlighting the need for critical policy changes.

AUGUST: Op-Eds and Thought Leadership

In August, Svitlana Romanko shared insights in an op-ed featured in Euro Maiden, exploring Russia’s circumvention of oil sanctions, aiming to draw attention to the complexities of the issue and advocate for decisive action. High North News quoted Razom We Stand, focusing on Novatek’s position as the EU’s major Russian gas supplier and the continuous reliance on LNG, linking it directly to funding the Kremlin’s war efforts. We emphasized that supporting Ukraine’s cause meant halting the flow of funds to the Kremlin’s war chests.

SEPTEMBER: Global Impact and Advocacy

September witnessed Razom We Stand’s powerful open letter to the G7 leaders, stressing the necessity of halting Russian fossil fuels for global peace and climate action. This impactful message resonated widely, reaching numerous media outlets, including POLITICO, The Hill, The Sydney Morning Herald, MSN and Yahoo,, through quotes by Svitlana Romanko.

During New York Climate Week, Svitlana Romanko’s presence emphasised the urgency of addressing fossil fuel addiction. She shared insights on Counter Point, a popular US talk show on WPKN. She contributed an op-ed in Canada’s National Observer, highlighting the devastating impacts of oil and gas on society. Moreover, Razom We Stand hosted two engaging LinkedIn Live events, discussing the significance of fossil fuel embargoes in the context of Russian exports and Ukraine’s energy transition.

Additionally, our Campaigns Manager, Oleh Savytski, made a notable impact in Germany. He was quoted in TAZ in their piece about the energy transition during times of war.

Moreover, our presence was felt at the Ukrainian Media Centre’s “Sanctions against Russian LNG: contribution to Ukraine’s Victory and Climate Rescue” event held at the Ukraine Crisis Media Center on September 26. Our advocacy found a powerful platform.

OCTOBER: Investigations, Op-Eds, and Advocacy

In October, Razom We Stand contributed to a groundbreaking joint investigation with Le Monde, Der Spiegel, and ZDF, exposing Western corporations’ facilitation of Russia’s Arctic LNG project despite the ongoing war. Oleh, our campaigns manager, penned a compelling op-ed in Euractiv, advocating for strategic EU sanctions against Russia.

Our advocacy took us to Berlin and Brussels, where Oleh met with members of the German and Belgian governments. In an open letter, Razom We Stand, on behalf of 23 Ukrainian NGOs, directly appealed to the Belgian Federal Government, urging a complete ban on Russian LNG transshipments in all EU harbours.

Working alongside Belgian NGOs, we organised a demonstration outside the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs. A small delegation, including Razom We Stand Campaign Manager Oleh Savytskyi, was received by Minister Lahbib’s cabinet.

Razom We Stand also became a proud member of Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe, Europe’s foremost NGO coalition committed to combating perilous climate change.

NOVEMBER: Continued Advocacy and Awareness 

We teamed up with Ukrainian climate and energy NGOs like Ecoaction, Centre for Environmental Initiatives Ecoaction, Ecoclub, and Energy Act for Ukraine. Joined by mayors from Chervonohrad and Nizhyn, we advocated in the US, holding fruitful meetings with key representatives from various US departments and agencies. Our focus was on securing support for Ukraine’s sustainable reconstruction through long-term clean energy solutions and reinforcing sanctions against Russia. We also met Geoffrey Pyatt, Assistant Secretary of State and G7+ coordinator for Ukraine’s energy infrastructure restoration. Additionally, we participated in events organized by leading institutions to discuss Ukraine’s clean energy potential and shared insights on its rebuilding efforts with Svitlana Romanko and our partners.

Razom We Stand and Ecoclub hosted a pivotal press briefing at the Ukrainian Crisis Media Center dedicated to answering a critical query: Will the newly imposed US and EU sanctions effectively halt the export of Russian liquefied natural gas?

The National Agency of Ukraine for Corruption Prevention listed Belgium’s Fluxys as an international sponsor of war due to its support for Russian LNG. Additionally, the organisation orchestrated a political discussion in Kyiv, drawing over 100 public representatives, to address green jobs and investment potential in renewable energy.

In collaboration with the Resource and Analytical Center “Society and The Environment,” we published the research report titled “Green Jobs and Investment Potential for the Development of Renewable Energy in Ukraine.” This comprehensive report is available in Ukrainian and was officially presented at an offline event held in Kyiv on October 17, 2023.

The presentation featured distinguished speakers, including the Deputy Minister of Energy of Ukraine, Torsten Vollert (representing the EU Representation in Ukraine), the Chairman of Trade Unions of Construction Workers and the Construction Industry of Materials, the Deputy Chairman of the Vinnytsia City Council, the Director of Trading and Electricity Supply at KNESS, a representative from Gals-Agro company, an investment analyst from Advantage Ukraine, and the Technical Director of Atmosfera.

Additionally, on November 23, we showcased our work on green jobs at a high-profile event during the Coal Exit Platform forum.

DECEMBER: COP28 Participation and Continued Advocacy

Despite not being physically present at COP28, Razom We Stand released two reports to coincide with the biggest event of the climate calendar. The first was in collaboration with partners like CREA and B4Ukraine, highlighting the global proliferation of Russian fossil fuels and their link to human rights violations. The second focused on how oil and Gas Revenues Fund Wars and Violate Human Rights.

To coincide with the launch of our sanctions report, we hosted a LinkedIn Live event with partners from CREA and the Fridtjof Nansen Institute, who contributed to the report and shared some background on their findings.

As the year draws to a close, Razom We Stand remains resolute in its pursuit of a world free from fossil fuel reliance and dedicated to clean energy transformation. The organisation’s unwavering commitment to fostering renewable energy, demanding accountability, and advocating for stringent measures against Russian fossil fuel exports has left an indelible mark on the global stage. With renewed determination, Razom We Stand continues its march toward a future built on sustainable energy, resilience, and international solidarity.


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